Altar Servers Sodality is helping the clergies in liturgical service by taking the inspiration from patron St John Berchmans. Assistant parish priest holds the meeting and mentors them to walk in the footsteps of their patron saint. The altar servers meet on every Saturday at 4.30pm. They are divided into different groups and hold prayers in turns. After attendance, the Rota for coming week is announced to serve at the Eucharistic Celebrations. They get some motivational talk on altar server discipline, followed by prayers and singing a hymn in honor of patron saint.
The altar servers are divided into 4 groups; each one is assigned for different duties. They take active role in parish activities. More altar servers try to serve the children’s Sunday Mass. All the altar servers serve during festal Eucharistic Celebrations. They take leadership in reading the Holy Scriptures and in the choir.
For inquiries, prayers, or any assistance, feel free to reach out to St. Vincent Ferrer Church in Valencia, Mangalore.
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