St. Vincent Ferrer PARISH

The Mangalore Retreat House was constructed and established in 1950 on a land donated by a prominent Catholic of Mangalore, Mr. James Britto. This was possible thanks to the efforts of Fr. Adrien Le Tellier SJ, a Belgian Jesuit, known for his indefatigable zeal and fervor in directing Ignatian Retreats and establishing Retreat Houses. The house was established with an intention of holding closed retreats and recollections in an atmosphere of solitude, prayer and silence. In 1954, with the Retreat House being placed under the aegis of Our Lady of Fatima, it was christened for the first time as the Fatima Retreat House. 


Over the years, the Retreat House has been a hub of retreats and spiritual seminars and several other allied activities. Presently as a place of prayer run by the Jesuits of Karnataka, people of all walks of life come here and spend time in solitude and silence. The Prarthanalaya chapel is open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. for short visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Residential facilities are available for those who come for closed retreats and seminars. Located on the Fr Mullers – Nandigudda road