Fr Augustus Muller felt the need for qualified and reliable personnel to work in this newly opened hospital. When Bishop Abbondio Cavandini SJ of Mangaluru went to Rome in 1896, he was asked to make enquiries about religious nurses who would be prepared to help. Several distinguished persons in Rome who were consulted in this matter proposed the name of Sisters of Charity and accordingly the bishop made an official request to Mother Angela Ghezzi for the sisters, giving details of the work for the sisters and the life style that they would have to live in India. The bishop also assured Mother General that the nuns would be taken care of about that they must be ready to suffer much for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accordingly Mother Ghezzi complied with Bishop’s request and sent three generous nuns from Italy, as the first band of brave pioneers with Sr. Franceschine Luraschi of Bengal as superior of the new community at kankanady in January 1898. Once having settled down greetings and good wishes reached the sisters from ever side. Sisters were assigned bedside nursing of patients which they carried out with motherly care with the leprosy patients were especially loving and compassionate. Yet