Church Choir

When Valencia parish was founded in 1935, Fr Monthu Menezes was the director of Mangalore diocesan choir Committee, who took charge as parish priest of Valencia. At that time, the liturgical services were held at chapel located in the cemetery for burying the diocesan priests. Its due to many reasons, the liturgical services were shifted to the residences of Cyril Monteiro and Salvador (Salu) Lobo and later it was restored at the church during 1944. There was no choir in the parish at that time. The parish priest, butler Ignatius and sacristan Jemma were singing the hymns. The liturgical service was held in Latin.

It was during 1946, S P DSouza, who was residing in St Antony ward composed hymns of liturgical service in Latin and began to train a few enthusiastic youth. The parish priest Fr Monthu and assistant parish priest Fr Antony John DSouza also supported them. During that time, Victor DSouza, residing in church ward was helping in the liturgical service and singing hymns. He used to train the children on singing hymns. Meanwhile, a few enthusiastic youngsters joined in singing Latin hymns during festal celebrations. The assistant parish priest Fr Paul Fernandes supported the youngsters in their endeavor. 

It was during 1954, Marian Pinto of Ferrer ward and Arthur Master of Holy Cross ward who were violinists joined in singing during liturgical service. Charles Rodrigues, Joseph Menezes, Joachim Patrao, Leo Saldanha, Joseph Mascarenhas, Herald Pereira, Stany DSilva and other enterprising youth collectively formed Valencia parish choir.

Arthur Master formed 2 groups and well trained them. Herald Pereira, Joachim Patrao and Leo Saldanha were directing the singing during festal celebrations. The then assistant parish priest Fr Ligoury DSouza always supported the choir group. Fr Edwin Pinto, who was the assistant parish priest during 1956 to 57, rejuvenated the choir group. He inducted a few talented singers. Apolinaris Dsouza, Oswald DSouza Marian Pinto, Percy DSa, Percy Menezes, Baron Saldanha, Harold Rasquinha, Joseph Baretto were the significant faces.

Apolinaris Dsouza was the choir master, after which he went to the gulf for his daily bread, the reigns were taken over by Marian Pinto and he led the choir.

Currently we have four choir groups 1) Konkani Choir 2) English Choir 3) Childrens Choir 4) Adoration Choir.