St Vincent Ferrer church valencia

The unit of St Vincent Paul Society was opened in Valencia parish on August 15 1935. Twenty parishioners are actively involved in this humanitarian service. The parish unit is helping the needy parishioners with the mission as Jesus commanded, ‘Whatever you do unto the little brothers, is done to thy Lord.It has been helping the poor parishioners to provide the basic necessities of life, such as food, housing and medication in case of illness with the generous contributions of other parishioners. The members of unit meet on every Sunday to plan their humanitarian service for next week. It has been helping the underprivileged parishioners, specially to celebrate feast of Nativity of Infant Mary, Christmas and Easter. 

It has been helping the deserving children of parish who are talented but cannot pursue studies owing to financial constraints. It also supports the poor parishioners who are ill by helping them financially for their medication. It’s aim that none in the parish ever feel he /she is helpless at any time of their life. They have their meetings on every Sunday at 9.00am.