Roshni Nilaya School of Social Works and Convent

It was first launched as Roshni Nilaya Institute of Social Service during 1960 by Sisters of Sacred Heart of Mother Mary religious congregation. Sr Marie Adelaide is the founder of religious congregation. The nuns take vows of celibacy, poverty and obedience. The congregation has no distinct attire or any symbol. After their missionary work, they can be engaged in family ministry. It’s recognized by pontifical authorities.
The congregation in India was established in Goa during 1951. Roshni Nilaya Convent was established in Valencia during 1960. It serves as the office of South India Regional Superior General. The Congregation bought the bungalow and 6-acre plot owned by the late M S Shresta in Valencia to set up the institute. It is located on the main road of Fr Mullers – Nandigudda road. They come under Sacred Heart ward. They actively participate in the church and ward activities.