SSVP Valencia Celebrates Annual Day
October 8, 2024

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SSVP Valencia Celebrates Annual Day

SSVP Valencia Celebrates Annual Day

The St Vincent de Paul Society, Valencia Unit, celebrated its annual day on 29th September 2024, during the 6:30 am Mass. The Mass was celebrated by Parish Priest Fr Roque DSa, with Fr William Barracas as the concelebrant.

Following the Mass, a small get-together was held at Ferrer Hall. Fr Roque DSa addressed the gathering, while Ronald Rodrigues, the treasurer, welcomed everyone. Zeena Machado proposed the vote of thanks, and Vincent Fernandes efficiently compered the program. SSVP members, donors, and adopted families were present for the occasion, and breakfast was served to all.

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Week Day Masses

06.30 am | 05.00 pm

Sunday Masses

05.00 pm (Saturday)
06.30 am | 08.00 am
10.00 am (English)
04.00 pm

Catechism Classes

09.00 am to 09.50 am (Except 1st Sunday)


✝️ Tuesday Charismatic Prayer 5.30 pm
✝️ Wednesday, St Vincent Ferrer, 5.30 pm
✝️ Friday Adoration: 5.30 pm
✝️ Saturday 4.45 pm Nithyadar Saibeen