Catholic Sabha Valencia Unit Conducts Two-Day Voter ID Abhiyan 
October 17, 2024

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Catholic Sabha Valencia Unit Conducts Two-Day Voter ID Abhiyan 

The Catholic Sabha Valencia Unit, in collaboration with the Community Empowerment Trust Mangalore, successfully
conducted a two-day Voter ID Abhiyan on September 14th and 15th, 2024.
The campaign aimed at empowering citizens through voter registration and awareness. The event commenced with a prayer led by Fr Pradeep Rodrigues, Assistant Parish Priest of Valencia. Addressing the gathering, Valencia Parish Council Vice-President Ronald Rodrigues commended the Catholic Sabha for its proactive role in organizing the initiative, emphasizing its importance for civic participation.

Key office bearers of the Catholic Sabha Valencia Unit, including President Merlyn Rego, Vice-President Lizzie Pinto, Secretary Jessy Baretto, Community development coordinator Flavy Menezes and Steevan Rodrigues Vice-President of the Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh, were present along with other unit members.

The Voter ID Abhiyan attracted widespread participation, reinforcing the Sabha’s commitment to community service and electoral engagement.

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