Two Families Receive a New Home and Renovated Shelter
October 28, 2024

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Two Families Receive a New Home and Renovated Shelter

In an inspiring example of community spirit and collaboration, two families in the Holy Cross Ward have received vital housing support thanks to a joint initiative led by the parish priest and the vice president of the parish council. Their efforts have culminated in the construction of a new home for Santosh Alvares and a much-needed renovation for the home of Philip Fernandes.

The project was made possible through contributions from the parish, generous donations from philanthropist Michael DSouza, and support from the CODP and SSVP Valencia. These collaborative contributions, along with Alwyn Suares’s dedicated efforts in raising additional funds, ensured that the vision became a reality.

SSVP Valencia President Julian Dsouza, along with members Vincent Mendonca and Baptist, took charge of overseeing the project, closely monitoring progress to ensure that both homes were built to high standards and completed on schedule.

This initiative stands as a testament to what can be achieved when communities come together in the spirit of compassion and shared purpose.

The newly built house and renovated home were blessed by Parish Priest Fr Roque DSa on October 27, 2024, in the presence of Parish Council Vice President Ronald Rodrigues, SSVP Valencia President Julian DSouza, and members of SSVP Valencia.

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